Tuesday, May 10, 2011

EMM: What Matters Most

It's the first Every Monday Matters post, on a  Tuesday, but this is the only time!

Monday- 5/9/2011    What Matters Most
There is more to life than working 8 hours a day, working out, eating dinner, and only having a few hours to spend with your loved ones if you aren't too distracted by Law and Order: SVU.  Time is precious and we often forget where our time should be distributed and what matters to us most.

The average person spends:
-100 hours a year commuting to work campared to 80 hours of vacation (not right).
- 40.5 hours AT work per week (more for people in California since your probably in the Entertainment Industry).
-2.6 hours a day watching tv and 8.6 hours a day sleeping.

1. Make a list of What Matters to You Most
2. Make a list of how you currently spend your time
3. Organize your list and find what activities are required and which ones are a waste of time.
4. Take steps to rearrange your schedule to reduce optional activities and do more of what matters most.

I have done the following steps, but not sure I will share them all on my blog today. However, I will share my list of ways I currently spend my time...


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