Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Oscar Winners and the Better Luck Next Years

This year's Oscar fashion was anything but dull. Stars filled the red carpet with colors, embellishments and cutouts far more original than past Oscar ensembles.



Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Mute in Vegas.

Although this is long over due, I can't move on to planning my next Vegas trip until I recap the last one. No blog can do our 'girls trips' justice, especially the ones in Vegas since they are more difficult to recall, but I will do my best to embarrass everyone sans names. HOWEVER, you all know who you are...and so do a lot of other people.
Our trip began with a wonderful four hour drive of breathtaking scenery and random play lists. Three of us drove in the 'toaster' and the other three were left with the LIBERTY of experiencing car sickness at one point or another. As tradition has it, we stop one hour away from the strip because obviously that last hour would be too hard to hold one's pee and we need Tilts.

As we roll into Vegas we put on the Hangover song everyone else did in 2009. Original. The night would be dedicated to celebrating Katie's birthday, so like any other group of classy girls we ordered Pizza Hut. After putting on our fancy threads and fake hair and filling up the 'group flask' we headed to a club we could get into right away, XS. The 'connection' who got us in the club was a short fella who said 1-2 words every five minutes. Good guy. We felt out the club, danced, naturally met a group of Nebraska guys on a bachelor trip and began talking to them. I met Doug, who was a 6'7" toffee maker from a small industrial town called Grand Junction, Colorado. I knew we would get along. The girls can't stay in one place for more than 7 minutes, so the group A.D.D. kicked in and I was pulled away from my intellectual conversation with Doug Toffee. I didn't feel it appropriate to give him my number so my business card was the only reasonable option. At the bar, a small Chinese man wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket wobbled up to our spot at the bar and continued to look at us, purchase our drinks and walk away without saying anything. The perks of Madi's boobs I guess. After one of the girl's hair caught on fire and a few pole dances were exchanged we were on to the next club. We were only at this particular club for about 4 minutes, it looked like it would've been a pretty good time. However, one girl in our group decided to "grab" a dancer making her money fall to the ground. Our friend was immediately escorted out of the club by security, while inside the dancer was contemplating pressing charges.  We all left. Typical night.

A few mistakes later, we all decided to walk back to the hotel. On our way up to the room we passed a group of unknown contestants and Casey from the Bachelor. Jamison decided to walk up to Casey as if they were old friends from middle school, 'Casey?' Apparently it worked for her because the next thing we were drinking with them and two other sloots probably wanting to appear on the next season of Bachelor. Luckily, one of our friends got the winning ticket, a nice make out session with Casey and stories of his 7 homes around the U.S.  Here's a nice clip of Casey being a douche: I can't even watch the whole thing it makes me so uncomfortable.

For a quick night cap, one of the girls dropped their phone down the elevator shaft at 4 a.m. only to have the entire Mirage staff and fire department help her retrieve it.

The rest of the trip was typical Vegas. Walking around the Mirage in an over sized sparkly dress draped with a happy birthday sign while being a mute, breakfast rave, dance offs, fighting with each other, a classy dinner where everyone complains about how expensive it is,  losing each other, and fighting with each other again.

No matter where we go, there is always laughter, surprise, and a long, dreadful drive home. The highlight of THIS trip was actually coming to work a week later to find a box of Toffee from Grand Junction, Colorado lying on my desk. Thanks Doug Toffee.

Fun Club we spent 4 minutes at


Brunch Rave

A mute.

Our OWN table at an empty club


Pole Dance at XS


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Classy New Year's Eve Disaster

The holidays have come to an end, and like many past New Years, once again, I blacked out. I'm not proud to admit this and honestly I might need to work on this frequent occurrence; however, the beginning of 2012 will be semi-remembered as the year I woke up to find a random pipe in my clutch.

The night started off wonderful and like many other nights do. We all gathered in our glittery, svelte wardrobes with hats, horns, and heels. I made a drink like mature, grown-ups do, half vodka- half energy drink. As I was mixing my adult beverage someone yelled, "Who wants a shot!?" I see how this night is going to be. Apparently I'm a sucker for vodka shots or just extremely terrible with peer pressure because the rest of the night's actions could be explained because of this very 'pressure'.

We headed to the club in Hollywood where we had bought $60 tickets for entry and an open bar. I won't name the club for protection that someone reading this might've seen us at this same club. We were probably 10th in line to enter. Two of us in the group decided to reverse climb through a vineyard, over a ledge to the 'smoker area' of the club in order to surpass the dreadful six minute wait. The rest of us entered the small and crowded club to find a Trojan army in our way for the open bar. We were able to make it through rather quickly, much like the Greeks: largely over-stated and deceivingly pretty. After ordering our drinks and back up drinks things started to get a bit fuzzy. As you can see my night was short-lived, I was now just another Trojan. After some much needed dancing on ledges and meeting a few 'new friends' the night was coming to an end. The clock struck twelve o' clock, we had our midnight kisses. I'm 98% sure mine was with my boyfriend.

After we wondered around the club for a couple more hours, we must've all accidentally ended up in the same spot in the club and decided, "Well, this is a better time to go than any." Not to mention, I think a fight was a brewin'. Literally. Side note: It's not a TRUE New Year's Eve unless one of three things happen: 1) You regret/forget the evening 2) The clock strikes midnight and you are in a car, gas station or bathroom. 3) You fight with one of your girlfriends. Luckily, we were way ahead of these rules. As we were leaving the club, I noticed a large group of people being pushed. It was a brawl!! My excitement was halted when I realized it was two of my friends that were involved. Oh wait, it was between my two friends. HOT MESS! After another one of us started a verbal fight with someone 'mean mugging' them the entire night we got in our separate cabs and headed toward the valley, where tonight, we belonged.

Back at Valley Headquarters, I remember the scene quite vividly. The elevator ride up to the apartment consisted of one cab fighting over who didn't pay, again, while the other cab complained about how the fighting needed to stop and also, it was true about the 'non-payers'. The two 'brawlers' were still going at it in the kitchen and then headed upstairs, which all could be heard throughout the complex. Another one of us was passed out on the couch, while you could find one dress sitting on the wooden floor in the middle of the kitchen eating pita chips and pringles. This whole time I could observe these things but I still have no clue what I was actually doing. Was I on the floor joining in the pita chip take down? Was I spooning the girl passed out? I know I didn't walk 2 miles home at 3 a.m. with the other member of the group.

The next morning, I woke up in pajamas and all my belongings were next to me. SUCCESS! I looked in another room to find the 'brawlers' sleeping in the same bed. SUCCESS? I headed home to pass out until 5:00 in the evening. Fail. Later that evening, I was digging through my clutch to find any extra cash I may've forgot to spend at the club, instead I found a pipe in my purse. I don't know how this got there, I don't know who put it there, and I know I didn't use it. Of course, my sister's guess about what I was doing while all the girls were fighting, eating, and sleeping, "You were probably off smoking pot somewhere."

So, all in all, I'd say the New Year's Eve night was a total disaster, but one that makes it much more interesting to tell and really tightens our bond as friends. ;) Cheers to more New Year's as classy as this one!! Love you all.
MG's Birthday/New Year's Eve 2012

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My Three Christmas Wishes

Whether it's the decorated Christmas trees, the ugly sweater parties, the spiked anything, the obligation of gift giving to people you wouldn't normally give a gift to but "they probably got you one",  the odd gifts, the 25 days of Christmas on ABC Family, or the Christmas music; all of these things make the month of December the most wonderful time of the year.

Ugly Sweater Parties

The Spiked Anything

The Unusual Gifts
As I get older, I am realizing the true meaning of Christmas and it's not how many presents you get but rather the quality of those presents. I decided to take this realization seriously and put only two "quality" items on my Christmas list to my dad: a professional camera and a Fossil watch. I emailed the list labeled, "my mature list". The following day I received an email with 'Camera' in the subject line and a link to the camera. I guess when you're older you don't need the surprise part, merely the feeling of giving and receiving. As I read my dad's email, it described the camera's features, the great deal I would be getting and that if I'm currently in the position to purchase it, this would be the camera to go for. Love, Dad.  I revised my current list of two items to include slippers, ipod case and three more links to clothes I wanted online then re-sent to my dad.

Honestly though, I'm no longer concerned with the materialistic things....over Christmas. Now that I'm living in California I've learned that being with my family and friends is all I need. That and my three Christmas wishes granted:

Wish #1: To walk into my mother's home to find one Christmas tree standing in the living room.

Two Christmas' ago, my sister tried to help my mom get a "headstart" on getting a Christmas tree for the house. (My mom is always wrapping presents ten minutes before we open them, seems pointless.) My sister, Alicia, even hauled it in to the living room as a surprise. But, according to my mom, Alicia's tree was "a dud" but she didn't want to hurt her feelings by getting rid of it. I told her, Alicia wasn't too sensitive about her tree giving and to just get a new one that wasn't dropping 8,000 needles a day. A few days later, a friend and I walked into the house to find two extremely large Pine trees standing in the living room. I could only hear a small voice coming from over by the fireplace. "Hello!" We made our way through the living room forest to find my mom sitting in her normal spot on the fireplace drinkin' a beer, watching Wheel of Fortune with her two Christmas trees. Her words, "I'll figure it out".

My mom in front of one of many XMAS trees in her life.
 Wish #2: To always have an unlimited supply of alcohol on hand during snow storms.

Alicia and I should've had some clue this particular Christmas wouldn't be the smoothest of Christmas' when we found ourselves climbing through 5 ft. snow drifts to get to the front door of my dad's house. After being snowed-in with my family for two full days, we realized we could easily ration the food we had, we could improvise with wearing clean clothes, but running out of alcohol was unacceptable. We asked the next door neighbor to bring out his JOHN DEER tractor (full size) and shovel/plow our driveway. Mr. John Deer, himself, got stuck. Next step was to pull out the tire chains, which  apparently we had.

Wish #3: Find only bows attached to the tops of my presents.

Last Christmas my mother taped a small knife to the top of my present. She thought it would be "handy". What do you say to this? Thank you...?

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Halloween "Whore" Night

Halloween. The holiday that allows people to dress up like someone they are not (if they are not already doing this on a regular basis). It is the holiday that allows people to get away with wearing little to no clothing and say, "I'm not a whore, it's Halloween". Who cares if  the temperature is below zero; this is the one weekend we can go out in a bra and underwear and not be questioned, except by homeless people but they always have questions. Regardless of the slutty costumes, Halloween still doesn't make sense to me. I can't understand why people enjoy gathering in public places and intentionally getting the crap scared out of them? Personally, I think it sounds terrible. The thought of being chased by people I know scares me to death so you can imagine how I feel when I'm being chased by people I don't know wearing masks and carrying chainsaws. However, this weekend I decided to put my preconceived notions about Halloween aside and I put my friends before fright.

We went to Universal's Halloween Horror Night where I experienced more terrifying clowns, haunted houses, blood and gore, and screams than I ever have in my 25 Halloweens. Probably because I have only been to one Haunted House in Lincoln, NE which I've pretty much blocked out of my life. As we entered Universal, we were greeted by an eight foot tall clown speaking into a microphone, "Look what we have, the Halloween Whores!" I just gave a nod like this was a normal statement and kept walking. I was told if you make eye contact, you're dead, so I let this "comedian" talk badly about my friends.

The Halloween Horror Night started with six shots of Patron, it was necessary for me therefore it was necessary for everyone else. That's just the kind of drinker I am. Next, we went on a tram ride which I presumed I would be able to scrunch down in my chair and sit in the middle of the six girls, but then the tram came to an abrupt stop. We were told to get off the tram and head toward the men holding chainsaws with their backs turned to us. I screamed that I wasn't getting off, similar to a four year-old, and I was met with a "YOU HAVE TO!" I jumped off to meet 10 masked men running towards us with chainsaws. Cool. We were led through the movie sets, so it was difficult to take in my favorite place in the world, Whoville, while being chainsawed and grabbed. Not as pleasant as I had imagined it. The rest of the evening consisted of taking advice from a bunch of 12 year-olds on what was the scariest Haunted Houses and navigating through 'scare zones' full of freaks and a zombie midget. Luckily, Jenna was able to get on his level and scare him off with her boyish scream.

After evaluating the evening, I found the green midgets which I thought were statues and the dead ladies holding babies that popped out at us to be the scariest and also created a new fear of mine, but all in all the night was a frightful success. I had a buzz about 3/4 of the time, almost broke two of my friends arms, and ended the night with a pleasant Simpson's virtual roller coaster ride. I still can't say I understand the meaning of these 'intentional gatherings', but I know my friends (one in particular) had one of the best nights EVER which makes the scares and $52 (plus shots) well worth it.

What would I do without my FREAKS!?!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

'The Playboy Club' Has Sexual Content?!?

NBC'S, 'The Playboy Club' Boycotted By PTC
When you think of 'Playboy' what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it Kraft Cheese? What about Campbell's Soup? What comes to my mind is sex, fame, and bunnies of course. So why are Campbell's and Kraft two of the seven sponsors canceling their advertising during 'The Playboy Club' after the first episode? If their expectations were for the show to contain fully clothed women and discuss the turn of a new matriarch society in 1963; they might need to reevaluate who is in charge of their media buying. The PTC (Parents Television Council) describes the show as objectifying and degrading women since it was picked up by NBC. I describe it as Chicago in 1963. 

The president of the PTC, Tim Winter, said Wednesday, “What has been clear to everyone outside of NBC must now be clear even to those inside NBC: The Playboy Club is a commercial disaster and must be removed from the airwaves. We call for the network to cancel this degrading and sexualizing program immediately."

I call for the PTC to join us in 2011.

Whether it's the PTC's criticism of the show or the racy content making the sponsor's back out there is no need to pull the show. I am all for women's rights, but  'The Playboy Club' is going to contain material not suitable for children and apparently not suitable for the PTC.
A sponsor can find a media outlet or showtime unfitting to their product/brand, if this is the case, be my guest, pull out (no pun intended). If they are canceling their spots simply because of the bullying and criticism from one group saying the show is "a broadcast television program that is mainstreaming the pornography industry", then the issue is not the show but rather their own substantiality as a company. The PTC needs to start targeting shows like Two and a Half Men, How I Met Your Mother, or Desperate Housewives, all on before 10 pm (not that I want them to) but at least you know what to expect with a show entitled 'The Playboy Club'.

Rock on NBC and rock on Hef!

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Emmy Awards: Radiant in Red

The Emmy Awards Show occurs every year and every year the stars come out in the showstopper outfits or the outfits that could only have been chosen in the dark. I took a few hours out of my busy work day to provide my own critque on the different wardrobe choices at the 2011 Emmy Awards.

At every Awards show you have the hits and you have the misses. This year was no different, from the obnoxious red pants worn by Alan Cumming to the show stopping Vera Wang dress worn by Sofia Vergara, TV's biggest night brought out the biggest stars AND the boldest fashion statements. Kate Winslet, Lea Michelle, Nina Nobrev, Connie Britton and Kerry Washington were all radiant in red, but while they were busy blending into the carpet; stars like Katie Holmes, Julie Bowen, Dianna Agron and Gwyneth Paltrow stood out in the nights WINNING looks.
Alan Cumming

Kate Winslet

Connie Britton

Lea Michelle

Kerry Washington

Sofia Vergara

Nina Dobrev
Gwyneth Paltrow

Katie Holmes

Julie Bowen

Diana Argon

As for the MEMMYS or rather the men of the Emmy's, it was hard to miss Heidi Klum's main squeeze, Seal. His suit choice or lack there of showed off his chiseled, shiny chest almost as much as his PDA for wife, Heidi. We don't blame you, Seal, Heidi was beaming in her Project Runway alum, Christian Siriano, gown. More big winners of the night walking away with both Emmy and 'best dressed nominations included the always dapper, John Hamm (MadMen), Ty Burrell (Modern Family) and Kyle Chandler (Friday night Lights). It's hard to find anything wrong with these strapping lads.
Seal and wife, Heidi Klum

John Hamm and longtime girlfriend

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Ty Burrell
 One of the night's biggest moments was the Emmy presented to outstanding lead actress in a Comedy, Melissa McCarthy. While all the nominees were dressed to the nines; it was McCarthy who demonstrated what can be considered some of the most fashion foward qualities; a humble, confident and classy presence.
Megan McCarthy

After much deliberation and several best-dressed nominees I've put my top four choices up for your final vote. The front runners for the 2011 Best dressed Emmy Fashion Award go to the Vera Wang picture perfect dress worn by Sofia Vergara, the stand out Elie Saab gown donned by Kate Winslet, the striking yet simple Marchesa gown Lea Michelle fit into perfectly and the blood-red, Donna Karan gown Nina Dobrev wore with such confidence.

Looks like this year's Emmy Awards Show was the year blending into the red carpet was the right fashion statement of the night.